Hi there,
I'm new here to the forums and to CKEditor but am really impressed with the documentation and API.
However, I've run into a snag and I just need some pointing in the right direction.
A photo has been attached because that can really help explain what is going on. So please check that out for some context.
Basically I am trying to get the background color of yellow to show up on the pasted content. The table is from word (so this means it's in RTF). Everything seems to paste except for the background color. WHat is strange is that it's pasting the exact look i'm going for in the "Paste from word" box, but if you look in the content box, it does not show the background color.
I have enabled all settings that I think I should to allow background color but i'll paste that here just to help:
config.allowedContent = {
'p h1 h2 h3 a strong em': {
styles: ['color']
'table tbody thead tfoot tr th td': true,
'table': {
attributes: ['width', 'border', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing'],
styles: '*'
"tr td": {
attributes: ['background-color', 'background', 'rowspan', 'colspan'],
styles: '*'
"iframe": {
attributes: '*',
styles: '*'
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for help and direction
This worked. I'm not sure why
This worked. I'm not sure why it would be removing background styles after I told it not to but this seems to work :)
config.pasteFromWordRemoveStyles = false;