I'm having an issue with my installation of CkEditor. I used the custom configuration option, and was sure to include the color button and panel button plugins (confirmed that they are in my build after installing as well). However, when I click the text/background color, or any styling that uses a drop down (Font Name, Font Size, etc) the drop down panel does not style properly.
For the font styles, it's simply far too large (causes horizontal scrolling within the drop down panel). For the color (text and bg), the color selecter doesn't show at all. I get a plain white box with two blue links: 'automatic' and 'more options'. If I click 'more options', the full color picker does show, so it's there, but the quick view doesn't work.
It's the same if I right click on a table (for example) within my editor area. The dialog box that comes up is plain white with unformatted blue links. The options work.
So, it seems like there is a path to a css file that might not be correct in my setup? I've reviewed the source and docs, but am stumped right now. If anyone has some tips on how to solve this, they'd be greatly appreciated!