I tried quotes '$name' I tried ".$name." and others but I still can't get FCKEDITOR TO update my Content field with type mediumblob.
I am getting data for the $updaterunid, $updaterun, $updatecontent it shows it on the screen but it won't update the mysql database. Please look at code below to perform update.
Can you help me?
include "connect.php";
$updaterunid = $_POST['myrunid'];
$updaterun = $_POST['myrun'];
$updatecontent = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['FCKeditor1']));
print $_POST['myrunid'];
print $_POST['myrun'];
mysql_query("UPDATE schedule SET RUNID = '$updaterunid', RUN = '$updaterun' , CONTENT = '$updatecontent' WHERE RUNID = '$updaterunid' ") or die(mysql_error());
include "adminshowschedule.php";
include "closeconnect.php";
Re: PHP/mySQL update help
mysql_query("UPDATE pages SET content = '$content' WHERE id = '$myid'") or die(mysql_error());
Additionally, make sure you using addslashes to $content as a safeguard and to make sure quotes and such are escaped properly.
Re: PHP/mySQL update help
I am getting data for the $updaterunid, $updaterun, $updatecontent it shows it on the screen but it won't update the mysql database. Please look at code below to perform update.
Can you help me?