I am sorry to ask this question if many of you feel it is a stupid question but I have been working on this for a long time and cannot get it to work. Installation was fine and I am able to get the contents of the form to my PHP page but it shows it as HTML tags when you check out the page in any broswer. What am I doing wrong? I need the html tags sent for fomatting reason but the browser needs to read it as HTML and not simple text. Below is the code I used (the only example I see for displaying the code in the examples) and a link to my example. Please help me in preventing me lose what little hair I have left. Thanks.
if ( isset( $_POST ) )
$postArray = &$_POST ; // 4.1.0 or later, use $_POST
$postArray = &$HTTP_POST_VARS ; // prior to 4.1.0, use HTTP_POST_VARS
foreach ( $postArray as $sForm => $value )
if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() )
$postedValue = htmlspecialchars ( stripslashes( $value ) ) ;
$postedValue = htmlspecialchars( $value ) ;
<td><pre><?php echo $postedValue?></pre></td>
Sat, 06/13/2009 - 16:26
Re: PHP FckEditor questions