i have to update a CMS with the FCK built in. the previous admin used a form with an input-field which is formatted with the FCK. the code looks like this...
FCK gets the data from a database, the content, that should be formatted with the FCK is, the value. it works fine, i can see the FCK on the website but there is no content. with the old version of the FCK it worked fine (in IE7 but not in FF), the latest version doesnt work at all. if i paste the content an save the document, the FCK is empty and there is no content at the website. how can i fix this problem?
i also tried ti use the "TEXTAREA replacement method" (THAT works totally fine!) but i have another problem here:
in some cases i have to define TWO DIFFERENT textareas because the users can write and format an INTRO TEXT and the CONTENT in two different textareas. how can i define TWO FCKs with DIFFERENT textareas on ONE page? that would help me pretty much...
i have never heared from the FCKeditor since today morning so i have to start at zero...
thanks a lot for incoming answers.
i have to update a CMS with the FCK built in. the previous admin used a form with an input-field which is formatted with the FCK. the code looks like this...
<input type="hidden" name="{content_Name}" value="{content}">
<script type="text/javascript">
var oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor('{content_Name}', 700, 400, 'Default', '');
oFCKeditor.BasePath = "/fckeditor/";
FCK gets the data from a database, the content, that should be formatted with the FCK is, the value. it works fine, i can see the FCK on the website but there is no content. with the old version of the FCK it worked fine (in IE7 but not in FF), the latest version doesnt work at all. if i paste the content an save the document, the FCK is empty and there is no content at the website. how can i fix this problem?
i also tried ti use the "TEXTAREA replacement method" (THAT works totally fine!) but i have another problem here:
in some cases i have to define TWO DIFFERENT textareas because the users can write and format an INTRO TEXT and the CONTENT in two different textareas. how can i define TWO FCKs with DIFFERENT textareas on ONE page? that would help me pretty much...
i have never heared from the FCKeditor since today morning so i have to start at zero...
thanks a lot for incoming answers.
Re: No Content in FireFox