Hey all- I just need to find a plugin that adds a tab to the Image function that will allow the user to pick a local image to be embedded in the content space where desired, and of course, upload that image to a specific place. HELP????
Tue, 01/20/2015 - 02:12
You don't need any extra
You don't need any extra plugin, just add the server backend to handle the uploaded files: http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/guide/dev_file_browse_upload
But this requires that I have
But this requires that I have upload and browsing scripts written and installed. When I don't have those skills, how else am I to do this?
If you want a full package
If you want a full package you can get CKFinder.
If you only want to upload files you can use these scripts as a starting point: https://github.com/AlfonsoML/CKEditorUploader
But in any case, setting up file upload is one of the most risky things that you can do in your web server because if you don't protect them properly any attacker will be able to upload files to your server. So if you're unsure about what to do, just hire a professional that takes care of it.