I finally got Ajax File Manager working with the latest FCKeditor, but there is one more issue I would like to resolve. Once I select an image in the File manager, the path returned to FCK is absolute (http://www.domain.com/dir/file.ext)I searched all over the Ajax File Manager forums and the author claims the functions to return a path are an FCK thing, not an AFM thing.
So, can anyone help me figure out how to keep that path relative? (dir/file.ext)
Thu, 06/18/2009 - 21:13
Re: Need relative path from File Manager
How are the paths from the build-in filemanager created? Is there a relative and absolute option with the build-in one? Is there a function someone could point me to?
Re: Need relative path from File Manager
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Re: Need relative path from File Manager
I do not remember the version right now, but I do remember having to change a js file for my particular installation. I have also heavily modified the code.base.php file with specific project requirements so I do not think that file would be of any help to you...especially since you already have it running. You're just having trouble getting the path into FCK, right?
In the for_fckeditor.js file for Ajax FM, I have this:
I do not remember why exactly I had to change this code, but I did have to change it for my project.
I'm not sure if that will help you any, but I hope it does.