I'm inheriting a project and need to upgrade the editor from 1.6. Currently the goal is to use FCKEditor 2.6.5. In doing so, I've come across some data/HTML inconsistencies that look like we may need to either clean some data before-hand or add a scrub method to the data before it gets put into the editor. Has anyone come across this and can offer any suggestions/tips based on their experience?
Specifically, one example of the data from the 1.6 version that only has 4 bulleted items, each with a hyperlink, somehow has no <ul> open or close tag, has only one closing <li> tag, and one of the closing <a> tags is missing. Also, the last closing <a> tag and the only, which happens to be at the end, closing <li> tag is intermingled with many <p> and <p></p> tags. After the upgrade to 2.6.5 and when the data is saved again, the result is far from what we originally had (some lines are melded together because of the missing closing <a> and one bullet item is completely blank).
Thanks for any help that can be offered.
Specifically, one example of the data from the 1.6 version that only has 4 bulleted items, each with a hyperlink, somehow has no <ul> open or close tag, has only one closing <li> tag, and one of the closing <a> tags is missing. Also, the last closing <a> tag and the only, which happens to be at the end, closing <li> tag is intermingled with many <p> and <p></p> tags. After the upgrade to 2.6.5 and when the data is saved again, the result is far from what we originally had (some lines are melded together because of the missing closing <a> and one bullet item is completely blank).
Thanks for any help that can be offered.
Re: Lost formatting upgrading from FCKEditor 1.6
Your best chance is to cleanup the data with something like HTML tidy and tune that conversion to understand the previous code.