I have the fckeditor set up on a sub-domain (sample.mydomain.com). I am using it to upload photos and then access those photos from the root domain (mydomain.com). The upload works fine but I can only set it to upload to the root of the sub-domain ('/fckimages/'). I can set the upload to push outside my sub-domain by using a '../../../../../fckimages/' configuration. That works as well .. .for uploading. The problem comes in when it pulls the domain string that is then added in my <img src> tag. Puts the image in my database as src='../../../../../../fckimages/ etc...
I am trying to figure out if there is a way to set the fckeditor to upload to a specific url string and set a different root url string so that when I call the picture from the main domain it will give me the right url. (http://www.mydomain.com/fckimages/images/theimage.jpg | VS. | http://www.mydomain.com/../../../../../../fckimages/images/theimage.jpg)
I have come up with lots of ways to hack my code to do this, like do a find a replace of all the img tags but that seems a bit excessive. i would prefer to do it the right way if there is such. :)
any ideas?
Thu, 05/21/2009 - 18:10