I can store my code perfectly and retrieve it from the database.
What I can't do is to place the retrieved HTML source into FCK for editing. What's the name of the field, and how can I access it, that holds the source for the text viewed.
I really appreciate any help.
What I can't do is to place the retrieved HTML source into FCK for editing. What's the name of the field, and how can I access it, that holds the source for the text viewed.
I really appreciate any help.
RE: Load HTML into the FCKEditor
In ColdFusion, I use this command:
<cfmodule template="fckeditor/fckeditor.cfm" instanceName="i_text" width="580" height="500" toolbarSetName="" canUpload="" canBrowse="" FCKeditorBasePath="fckeditor/" initialValue="#i_text#">
In the parameter initialValue, you output the html source.
RE: Load HTML into the FCKEditor
var oFCKeditor;
oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor('Editor','550',120) ;
oFCKeditor.initialValue = '<strong>b</strong>';
But the bold "b" doesn't show in the editor as I visualize it on the page. Any other advice?
RE: Load HTML into the FCKEditor
Did you read this thread: https://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php ... _id=257180
It might be helpfull for your problem.
Here they used this javascript to "inject" code into the content area:
document.frames("iframe_#instanceName#").document.all.objContent.DOM.body.innerHTML = content;
RE: Load HTML into the FCKEditor
id =\"iframe_#instanceName#\"
It should be added anywhere inside the <IFRAME tag.