Looking through the documentation, I can't quite seem to find a clear list of events that I can bind to so that I can integrate CKEditor with my site.
Currently, I'm using the 'pasteState' event which works for the most part except when deleting a letter -- it doesn't fire on deleting a alphanumeric letter (does for space, though!).
I don't believe that the pasteState event is even supposed to be public -- I couldn't find that on the documentation either. Does anyone know of a legitimate list of events that I can bind to?
I don't know really know what
I don't know really know what you're asking because the events are clearly listed in the docs, but on the other side I don't see any "pasteState" event and by it's name I don't understand what could be the relationship between a paste and deleting letters.
Maybe you're using other framework which is the one that generates that event?
This is where the event is
This is where the event is firing from:
For example, this is how most
For example, this is how most people in Angular do it:
OMG, I can't really belive
OMG, I can't really belive that someone uses such kind of internal event and that the answer it's being promoted so much!
If you want to know when the content has changed and you're using CKEditor 4.2 then you can use the new change event as explained in the release notes, and if you're using an older version or if you want to cover all the changes that the built in method is missing then you can use the onchange plugin as shown here.