When copying and pasting text from Microsoft Word into FCKeditor using Firefox, I have noticed some unusual behavior. Hyperlinks in the Word document have their hrefs converted into something that seems to be relative to the FCKeditor directory location. This only happens to hyperlinks which reference internal domain locations, not external domains. Also this behavior does not exist in Internet Explorer, and it performs the same no matter if I use Ctrl+V to paste the text into the FCKeditor text area or use the "Paste from Word" function.
For example, say I have a passage of text in Microsoft Word that looks like this:
This is example text to be posted to our site where this link references an internal URL and this link references an external URL.
If I paste the text into Firefox, the source code looks like this:
This is example text to be posted to our site where <a href="../../../../../../../page/about-us">this link</a> references an internal URL and <a href="http://www.google.com">this link</a> references an external URL.