Hello, I have FCKeditor installed and everything is was working great until I ran into one problem. When I compose a newsletter to send as an email and I insert the image, the source shows the correct code for the image....
<img src="http://xxxx.com/UserFiles/book.jpg" alt="" />
however when I email this out, the email shows up with no image and the code has now changed to...
<img style=\\\"WIDTH: 57px; HEIGHT: 85px\\\" height=\\\"96\\\" width=\\\"151\\\" alt=\\\"\\\" src=\\\"http://xxxx.com/UserFiles/book.jpg\\\" />
It is adding a lot of \\\ to the code.
Any ideas what this problem might be?
Tue, 03/03/2009 - 21:12
Re: Img in email forward slash problems.
Re: Img in email forward slash problems.
Re: Img in email forward slash problems.
Re: Img in email forward slash problems.
Image insert in the email works fine. When sent, no image arrives in mailbox.
Is there some code to be added in order to post the image?
This is my code;
Thanks for all answers!