Hi all,
After solving the problem below (in the code box), i have another problem. The images that are uploaded can't been seen. I get this in my screen \"\" so the image hasn't been found, BUT the image is in the folder where it should be. And when i copy the URL from my HTML into my browser i see the image.
<img src=\"/www.*******.nl/upload/oeps.JPG\" alt=\"\" />
Does anybody know how to solve it? Are it the magic quote's? how do you turn that off when you don't have access to the php.ini?
Thanks in advanced!
Kind regards,
Old problem below
Hi all, I'm new to FCkeditor, and i'm trying to upload an image with it to add to a news message. Now the PHP upload does work, but put it in the wrong directory (i don't know where it has been putted). I get the message "Your file has been succesfully uploaded". But i can't find it anywhere. The config file in the following directory [b]www.mywebsite.nl/functions/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/php/config.php[/b] [code=php] $Config['Enabled'] = true ; // Path to user files relative to the document root. $Config['UserFilesPath'] = "/upload/" ; // Fill the following value it you prefer to specify the absolute path for the // user files directory. Useful if you are using a virtual directory, symbolic // link or alias. Examples: 'C:\\MySite\\userfiles\\' or '/root/mysite/userfiles/'. // Attention: The above 'UserFilesPath' must point to the same directory. $Config['UserFilesAbsolutePath'] = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]. "/upload/"; [/code] Now i want to save the file here (permission 777) [b]www.mywebsite.nl/upload/[/b] And the FCKeditor has been called from [b]www.mywebsite.nl/index.php[/b] Can someone tell me what is going wrong? Because the files hasn't been saved in the folder http://www.mywebsite.nl/upload/ Thank you in advanced! Kind regards, Nick