(I know that this is often asked but I can't find answer which would satisfy my needs)
I'm using CKEditor with AngularJS and I'm now trying to make work simple image upload.
This is what I do: just 'unhide' uploadTab, but I can't set URL to upload image. It's always 'undefined'
CKEDITOR.on "dialogDefinition", (ev) -> dialogName = ev.data.name dialogDefinition = ev.data.definition if dialogName is "image" uploadTab = dialogDefinition.getContents("Upload") uploadTab.hidden = false dialogDefinition.onLoad = -> console.log("upload") options= "removePlugins": "sourcearea" "filebrowserUploadUrl": 'api/upload', "filebrowserImageUploadUrl": 'api/upload' editorangular = CKEDITOR.inline(element[0], options) scope.$watch attrs.ckedit, (value) -> editorangular.setData value
how can I fix this and set propper URL?
also what should be the response for ckeditor? Just relative file url, or some object?