I've spent a couple days attempting to dynamically load a CKBuilder-downloaded ckeditor.js into my application.
In my particular case I've attempted to create a Dojo AMD wrapper module using dojo/request/script, but I'm basically talking about dynamically injecting a <script src="ckeditor.js"> into a live HTML DOM.
If I cross my fingers and do my best to ignore runtime exceptions reported from Firebug or Chrome's developer tools I can successfully see an inline CKEditor in my page *most* of the time, but this isn't good enough.
I've googled and seen past references to "bootstrapping" using ckeditor_basic.js and a load callback, but what is downloaded using CKBuilder doesn't give me a ckeditor_basic.js.
I've filed http://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/10094, but I'm also appealing to the developer community at large for assistance.
Surely I'm not the first person to want to do this???
I have the same question. I
I have the same question. I found that I can bootstrap using ckeditor_basic.js using CKEditor version 3, but this method defers the loading of my ckeditor instance until after window.load which is a problem for me. Anyone have an answer to this?