I want to disable Heading 1 from showing in the dropdown format selector (it should show Normal, Heading 2, Heading 3, etc.) I'm running MediaWiki 1.16beta2 and have the SVN checkout of the FCKeditor extension (http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension ... fficial%29) installed and working correctly. How do I configure FCKeditor to not show Heading 1 in the format dropdown selector?
I tried the instructions at http://community.contractwebdevelopment ... ormat-list but at the end of the section "FCKEditor versions 2.6 and higher" these instructions didn't work:
Note that if you stop now you'll experience a slew of JavaScript errors. To avoid these, you'll need to remove the offending JavaScript alert from the following files:root/editor/js/fckeditorcode_gecko.js: root/editor/js/fckeditorcode_ie.js:
else alert("The FCKConfig.CoreStyles['"+E+"'] setting was not found. Please check the fckconfig.js file");
This will take care of the JavaScript error and your Font Format listing should load as intended.