I have a need to populate a combobox after FCKeditor has loaded based on selections made from two dropdown lists that are not part of FCKeditor. I'm able to retrieve the selected indexes for both dropdowns, make a call to a Web Service (passing in the selected indexes), and have it return an array of items from the database that I need for populating FCKeditor's combobox. What do I need to do to "feed" these values to the combobox so the user can select them as needed?
Wed, 08/15/2007 - 00:11
Re: How can I populate a combobox after FCKeditor has loaded?
Re: How can I populate a combobox after FCKeditor has loaded?
Here's what little JavaScript I have in my page:
function populateDataFieldDropDown() {
entityTypeID = document.getElementById('ddlEntityTypes').value;
processID = document.getElementById('ddlProcesses').value;
var editor = document.getElementById(FCKeditor1');
I'm unable to get anything related to the toolbar or my combobox from the editor object. Am I looking at the wrong object?