I have searched and searched the forum... Applied some solutions but nothing seems to work in coldfusion.
I have already a dir with all my images called gfx but FCKeditor creates a image dir in it. I do not need the image dir.
Thank you in forward...
I have already a dir with all my images called gfx but FCKeditor creates a image dir in it. I do not need the image dir.
Thank you in forward...
RE: Head breaker: image path in coldfusion
- comment out <cfdirectory action="create" directory="#userFilesServerPath##url.type#" mode="755">
- replace <cfset currentFolderPath = userFilesServerPath & url.type & replace(url.currentFolder,"/",fs,"all")>
<cfset currentFolderPath = userFilesServerPath & "xxx" & replace(url.currentFolder,"/",fs,"all")>
where "xxx" is your image directory
- replace
xmlHeader = xmlHeader & '<CurrentFolder path="#url.currentFolder#" url="#userFilesPath##url.type##url.currentFolder#" />';
xmlHeader = xmlHeader & '<CurrentFolder path="#url.currentFolder#" url="#userFilesPath##xxx##url.currentFolder#" />';
where xxx is your image directory
i use CF too and this worked for me, good luck
RE: Head breaker: image path in coldfusion