I installed FCKeditor with the phplists2.10.10 so i assume is the most recent version.
I am able to UPLOAD images and they appear ok on the content window. they are stored in /uploadedimages/ folder no problem there. the source says: src="cid:274dce0721e9a48374bea6a7b37c0bbb"
When i want to compose another email and click on Browse Server button I dont see any files since That looks in uploadedimages/images/ and the images were stored in a uploadedimages/. if i use the UPLOAD button inside BROWSE SERVER those images are uploaded to uploadedimages/images and i can see them with the server browser and i can put them in my email but when i send the email it comes with no images since it is referrening to src="/lists/uploadimages/image/congadrum.jpg"
So I found a fix to upload the images to uploadedimages/images/ i did this:
NOTE: by default, QuickUploadPath and QuickUploadAbsolutePath point to
"userfiles" directory to maintain backwards compatibility with older versions of FCKeditor.
This is fine, but you in some cases you will be not able to browse uploaded files using file browser.
Example: if you click on "image button", select "Upload" tab and send image
to the server, image will appear in FCKeditor correctly, but because it is placed
directly in /userfiles/ directory, you'll be not able to see it in built-in file browser.
The more expected behaviour would be to send images directly to "image" subfolder.
To achieve that, simply change
$Config['QuickUploadPath']['Image'] = $Config['UserFilesPath'] ;
$Config['QuickUploadAbsolutePath']['Image'] = $Config['UserFilesAbsolutePath'] ;
$Config['QuickUploadPath']['Image'] = $Config['FileTypesPath']['Image'] ;
$Config['QuickUploadAbsolutePath']['Image'] = $Config['FileTypesAbsolutePath']['Image'] ;
and now all the images go to uploadimages/image/ and i can browse and add them to my email but when it goes back to my orginal problem of not being able to embed images
so i neeed
1) to be able to embbed /uploadedimages/image or
2) tell FCK to upload the images in /uploadedimages/ and not in uploadedimages/image
I rather go for 2 because ive been reading other problems not being able to emmbed other type of documents if they are in their type folder.
Ive spent hours reading and i think m learning php of just reading this forum thanks
Fri, 06/19/2009 - 23:12
Re: HELP Cannot embed images in the /images folder!
1.- if an pic1.jpg is in the uploadedimages/images folder only i am able to find it in the browser but and in the body of the email. the code will say something like src="/lists/uploadimages/image/pic1.jpg but when i send it the email will come with no picture and the source will be the same src="/lists/uploadimages/image/congadrum.jpg
SUMMARY: I can browse but i cant not embed
2.if pic2.jpg is in uploadedimages/ only then i can not browse with the fck browse server however i can add the source code src="/lists/uploadimages/image/pic2.jpg and i will be able to see it on the content window and when i send the email i see in the code something like src="cid:cf9a6b554d76c15996532b1c287b289e" which means it embedded the pic
SUMMARY: I cant browse but i can embed
3.if pic3.jpg is in uploadedimages/ and another copy of pic3.jpg is in uploadedimages/images then the source code wil be before i send it : src="/lists/uploadimages/image/pic3.jpg and when i send the pic it will embed pic3 from the uploadedimages/ folder and the source in the email will be src="cid:724d96295768bf0f23006adc5d0975ea
SUMMARY:I will be able to browse and embed (of course this is not the fix
1-) I think I need to tell FCK to browse in uploadedimages/ and thats the fix and i assume the upload button insed the browse server window will upload to the same folder
2-) or I need to tell fck to embed uploadedimages/images instead. and I know already how to tell fck to upload to that folder with the fix i posted
I rather do 1-) I just dont know how HELP