The Focus method in the javascript editor does not seem to work. I am trying to plug the FCK Editor into a chat application. In my case if you hit the enter key I read the value reset the editor to "" and then return the focus to the editor. But whatever I do the focus does not return to the editor forcing users to click on the editor area. Has anyone seen this behavior before
I have even registered the event onSetAfterHTML() and tried to return the focus to the editor there. That doesnt work either. Any help is appreciated.
I have even registered the event onSetAfterHTML() and tried to return the focus to the editor there. That doesnt work either. Any help is appreciated.
Code Snippet /*Set the content in the editor*/ function setEditorContent(editorinstance, content){ var oEditor=FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance(editorinstance); oEditor.SetHTML(content); } /*Insert the content at cursor location in the editor*/ function insertContentInEditor(editorinstance, content){ var oEditor=FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance(editorinstance); oEditor.InsertHtml(content); } /*Get clean content from the editor*/ /*Cleaning includes 1.Stripping trailing <br /> tags and 2. Changing targets in <a> tags.*/ function getEditorContent(editorinstance){ var oEditor=FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance(editorinstance); var content = oEditor.GetHTML(); return content; } function focusEditor(editorinstance){ var oEditor=FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance(editorinstance); oEditor.Focus(); } var chatareaMsg = getEditorContent(CHAT_EDITOR_NAME); sendMessage(chatareaMsg); setEditorContent(CHAT_EDITOR_NAME,""); focusEditor(CHAT_EDITOR_NAME);
Re: Focus method in the javascript API of FCK Editor does not wo
Hi Arvind,
Is your issue above resolved? I've a similar issue that I cannot resolve currently, if you've any suggestions, I'll be much appreciated. Sorry for this kind of reply to ask questions.
Cheng QI