Ok..i was just getting started with ajax about 2 weeks ago and have since created a fast and lightweight cms.. i tried fckeditor, ckeditor, tinymce, and nicedit.. finally after tons of code working and ajax learning i got nicedit working after realizing i was trying to initialize the editors in the wrong place in the ajax. now im confident i can get any of these editors working. out of all the editors i thought fckeditor had the most functionality and compatibility. but i love the inline panel setup that niceditor offers as i can put it in a floating div and it will float down the page with all the inline editor divs. is there a way that i could do the same with fckeditor? ie. seperate the editor panel from the editable panels? and only have one editor panel for all the editable divs rather than one for each? i think that would save on load and initilization time per page and making it float down the page is rather impressive for the viewer.
thanks for your time in advance..
thanks for your time in advance..
Re: Floating Editor?
Hi danieliser! I found your topic after trying the same what you want... but now I'm stuck!
How do I separate the toolbar from editing area? In CKeditor 3 is config ToolbarLocation Out:[TargetId] not available. When I set the innerHTML from the class cke_top to another div, the style is missing. How can I reload the CSS style?
And is it possible to set the iframe src (or body) to a div like Nicedit? I don't want to load a big editable area (without page CSS style), like example: http://nightly.ckeditor.com/latest/ckeditor/_samples/divreplace.html
I hope someone knows....