The best way to help would probably be by logging in to my admin cpanel of my test website and just look at what's up yourself... But I will try to explain it here...
That is the error message that I get when trying to use FCKeditor in the browser... I dont have any PHP experience and I do not know how to create that function in that file correctly... So, If anyone could help that would be great... Here is the code to the other page:
Missing Method in PagesController Error: The action admin_js is not defined in controller PagesController Error: Create PagesController::admin_js() in file: app/controllers/pages_controller.php. <?php class PagesController extends AppController { var $name = 'Pages'; function admin_js() { } } ?> Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app/views/errors/missing_action.ctp.
That is the error message that I get when trying to use FCKeditor in the browser... I dont have any PHP experience and I do not know how to create that function in that file correctly... So, If anyone could help that would be great... Here is the code to the other page:
<?php class AuctionsController extends AppController { var $name = 'Auctions'; var $uses = array('Auction', 'Setting'); var $helpers = array('Fck'); function beforeFilter(){ parent::beforeFilter(); if(!empty($this->Auth)) { $this->Auth->allow('test', 'index', 'getstatus', 'view', 'live', 'home', 'future', 'closed', 'winners', 'getcount', 'ipn', 'latestwinner'); } } function _getStringTime($timestamp){ $diff = $timestamp - time(); if($diff < 0) $diff = 0; $day = floor($diff / 86400); if($day < 1){ $day = ''; }else{ $day = $day.'d'; } $diff -= $day * 86400; $hour = floor($diff / 3600); if($hour < 10) $hour = '0'.$hour; $diff -= $hour * 3600; $minute = floor($diff / 60); if($minute < 10) $minute = '0'.$minute; $diff -= $minute * 60; $second = $diff; if($second < 10) $second = '0'.$second; return trim($day.' '.$hour.':'.$minute.':'.$second); } /** * Function to get the status of auction(s) * * @param boolean $includeBidHistories If the value is other than false it will include the 10 last bid histories */ function getstatus($includeBidHistories = false){ $this->helpers = array('Javascript'); Configure::write('debug', 0); $this->layout = 'js/ajax'; $auctions = array(); $options = array(); $isPeakNow = $this->isPeakNow(); $options['includeBidHistories'] = $includeBidHistories; $data = $_POST; if(empty($data)) { $data = array('auction_8' => 8, 'auction_9' => 9); } foreach($data as $key => $value) { if(!empty($options['includeBidHistories'])) { $auction = Cache::read('auction_view_'.$value); } else { $auction = Cache::read('auction_'.$value); } if(empty($auction)) { // Importing the helper // Yeah, I know helper is for view, but it's for avoiding code duplication App::import('Helper', array('Number', 'Time')); $number = new NumberHelper(); $time = new TimeHelper(); $auction = $this->Auction->getStatus($key, $value, $options); // Formating the price $auction['Auction']['start_price'] = $number->currency($auction['Auction']['start_price'], $this->appConfigurations['currency']); $auction['Auction']['savings']['price'] = $number->currency($auction['Auction']['savings']['price'], $this->appConfigurations['App.currency']); $auction['Auction']['savings']['percentage'] = $number->toPercentage($auction['Auction']['savings']['percentage']); // Formating last bid and closes $auction['LastBid']['created'] = $time->niceShort($auction['LastBid']['created']); $auction['Auction']['closes_on'] = $time->niceShort($auction['Auction']['closes_on']); foreach($auction['Histories'] as $subkey => $history) { $auction['Histories'][$subkey]['Bid']['created'] = $time->niceShort($history['Bid']['created']); } if(!empty($options['includeBidHistories'])) { Cache::write('auction_view_'.$value, $auction, '+1 day'); } else { Cache::write('auction_'.$value, $auction, '+1 day'); } } $auction['Auction']['end_time_string'] = $this->_getStringTime($auction['Auction']['end_time']); $auction['Auction']['time_left'] = $auction['Auction']['end_time'] - time(); if($isPeakNow) { $auction['Auction']['isPeakNow'] = 1; } else { $auction['Auction']['isPeakNow'] = 0; } $auctions[$key] = $auction; } $this->set('data', $auctions); } function getcount($type = null) { $this->Auction->recursive = -1; if($type == 'live') { $count = $this->Auction->find('count', array('conditions' => "start_time < '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "' AND end_time > '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'")); } elseif($type == 'comingsoon') { $count = $this->Auction->find('count', array('conditions' => "start_time > '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'")); } elseif($type == 'closed') { $count = $this->Auction->find('count', array('conditions' => array('closed' => 1))); } return $count; } function bid($id = null){ $this->layout = 'json/default'; Configure::write('debug', 0); $message = ''; $data = array(); $data['bid_debit'] = $this->Setting->get('bid_debit'); $data['auction_price_increment'] = $this->Setting->get('auction_price_increment'); $data['auction_time_increment'] = $this->Setting->get('auction_time_increment'); // Add more information $data['auction_id'] = $id; $data['user_id'] = $this->Auth->user('id'); $data['isPeakNow'] = $this->isPeakNow(); // Bid the auction $auction = $this->Auction->bid($data); // Put the message on view $this->set('auction', $auction); } function latestwinner() { return $this->Auction->find('first', array('conditions' => array('Auction.winner_id >' => 0), 'order' => array('Auction.end_time' => 'desc'), 'contain' => array('Winner', 'AuctionImage'))); } function home() { // Get 15 auction for the frontpage $auctions = $this->Auction->getAuctions(array("Auction.start_time < '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "' AND Auction.end_time > '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'"), 15, 'Auction.end_time ASC'); $auctions_end_soon = array_slice($auctions, 0, 5); $auctions_live = array_slice($auctions, 5); $this->set('auctions_end_soon', $auctions_end_soon); $this->set('auctions_live', $auctions_live); } function index() { $this->Auction->contain(); $this->paginate = array('conditions' => array("start_time < '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "' AND end_time > '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'"), 'limit' => 25, 'order' => array('Auction.end_time' => 'asc')); $auctions = $this->paginate(); if(!empty($auctions)) { foreach($auctions as $key => $auction) { $auction = $this->Auction->getAuctions(array('' => $auction['Auction']['id']), 1); $auctions[$key]['Auction'] = $auction['Auction']; } } $this->set('auctions', $auctions); $this->pageTitle = __('Live Auctions', true); } function future() { $this->Auction->contain(); $this->paginate = array('conditions' => array("start_time > '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'"), 'limit' => 25, 'order' => array('Auction.end_time' => 'asc')); $auctions = $this->paginate(); if(!empty($auctions)) { foreach($auctions as $key => $auction) { $auction = $this->Auction->getAuctions(array('' => $auction['Auction']['id']), 1); $auctions[$key]['Auction'] = $auction['Auction']; } } $this->set('auctions', $auctions); $this->pageTitle = __('Coming Soon Auctions', true); } function closed() { $this->Auction->contain(); $this->paginate = array('conditions' => array('closed' => 1), 'limit' => 25, 'order' => array('Auction.end_time' => 'desc')); $auctions = $this->paginate(); if(!empty($auctions)) { foreach($auctions as $key => $auction) { $auction = $this->Auction->getAuctions(array('' => $auction['Auction']['id']), 1); $auctions[$key]['Auction'] = $auction['Auction']; } } $this->set('auctions', $auctions); $this->pageTitle = __('Closed Auctions', true); } function winners() { $this->Auction->contain(); $this->paginate = array('conditions' => array('winner_id >' => 0, 'Auction.closed' => 1), 'limit' => 25, 'order' => array('Auction.end_time' => 'desc')); $auctions = $this->paginate(); if(!empty($auctions)) { foreach($auctions as $key => $auction) { $auction = $this->Auction->getAuctions(array('' => $auction['Auction']['id']), 1); $auctions[$key]['Auction'] = $auction['Auction']; } } $this->set('auctions', $auctions); $this->pageTitle = __('Winners', true); } function view($id = null) { if(empty($id)) { $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid Auction.', true)); $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index')); } $auction = $this->Auction->getAuctions(array('' => $id), 1); if (empty($auction)) { $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid Auction.', true)); $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index')); } $this->set('auction', $auction); $this->set('bidHistories', $this->Auction->Bid->histories($auction['Auction']['id'], $this->appConfigurations['bidHistoryLimit'])); $this->set('parents', $this->Auction->Category->getpath($auction['Auction']['category_id'])); $this->set('bidIncrease', $this->Setting->get('auction_price_increment')); $this->set('timeIncrease', $this->Setting->get('auction_time_increment')); $this->set('endingSoonAuctions', $this->Auction->getAuctions(array(' <> '.$id, "Auction.start_time < '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "' AND Auction.end_time > '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'"), 4, array('Auction.end_time ASC'))); $this->pageTitle = $auction['Auction']['title']; if(!empty($auction['Auction']['meta_description'])) { $this->set('meta_description', $auction['Auction']['meta_description']); } if(!empty($auction['Auction']['meta_keywords'])) { $this->set('meta_keywords', $auction['Auction']['meta_keywords']); } } function won() { $this->layout = 'user'; $this->paginate = array('conditions' => array('Auction.winner_id' => $this->Auth->user('id')), 'limit' => 50, 'order' => array('Auction.end_time' => 'desc')); $this->set('auctions', $this->paginate()); $this->pageTitle = __('Won Auctions', true); } function pay($id = null) { $this->layout = 'user'; $this->pageTitle = __('Pay for an Auction', true); if (empty($id)) { $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid Auction', true)); $this->redirect(array('action'=>'won')); } $auction = $this->Auction->read(null, $id); if(empty($auction)) { $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid Auction', true)); $this->redirect(array('action'=>'won')); } if($auction['Auction']['winner_id'] !== $this->Auth->user('id')) { $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid Auction', true)); $this->redirect(array('action'=>'won')); } if($auction['Auction']['status_id'] != 1) { $this->Session->setFlash(__('You have already paid for this auction.', true)); $this->redirect(array('action'=>'won')); } $this->set('auction', $auction); $user = $this->Auction->Winner->read(null, $this->Auth->user('id')); $this->set('user', $user); $this->Auction->Winner->Address->AddressType->recursive = -1; $addresses = $this->Auction->Winner->Address->AddressType->find('all'); $userAddress = array(); $addressRequired = 0; if(!empty($addresses)) { foreach($addresses as $address) { $userAddress[$address['AddressType']['name']] = $this->Auction->Winner->Address->find('first', array('conditions' => array('Address.user_id' => $this->Auth->user('id'), 'Address.address_type_id' => $address['AddressType']['id']))); if(empty($userAddress[$address['AddressType']['name']])) { $addressRequired = 1; } } } $this->set('address', $userAddress); $this->set('addressRequired', $addressRequired); if(empty($addressRequired)) { if($auction['Auction']['fixed_price'] > 0) { $total = $auction['Auction']['fixed_price'] + $auction['Auction']['delivery_cost']; } else { $total = $auction['Auction']['start_price'] + $auction['Auction']['delivery_cost']; } if(!empty($this->data)) { if($this->appConfigurations['gateway']) { // Formating the data $paypal['url'] = Configure::read('Paypal.url'); $paypal['business'] = Configure::read(''); $paypal['lc'] = Configure::read(''); $paypal['currency_code'] = $this->appConfigurations['currency']; $paypal['item_name'] = $auction['Auction']['title']; $paypal['item_number'] = $auction['Auction']['id']; $paypal['amount'] = number_format($total, 2); $paypal['return'] = $this->appConfigurations['url'] . '/auctions/returning'; $paypal['notify_url'] = $this->appConfigurations['url'] . '/auctions/ipn'; $paypal['custom'] = $user['User']['id']; $paypal['first_name'] = $user['User']['first_name']; $paypal['last_name'] = $user['User']['last_name']; $paypal['email'] = $user['User']['email']; $paypal['address1'] = $userAddress['Billing']['Address']['address_1']; $paypal['address2'] = $userAddress['Billing']['Address']['address_2']; $paypal['city'] = $userAddress['Billing']['Address']['city']; $paypal['zip'] = $userAddress['Billing']['Address']['postcode']; $this->Paypal->configure($paypal); $paypalData = $this->Paypal->getFormData(); $this->set('paypalData', $paypalData); } else { // the gateway is not set $auction['Auction']['status_id'] = 2; $this->Auction->save($auction); // lets check to see if we this is the first time they have added bids $wonBefore = $this->Auction->find('count', array('conditions' => array('Auction.winner_id' => $this->Auth->user('id')))); if($wonBefore == 1) { $setting = $this->Setting->get('free_won_auction_bids'); if((is_numeric($setting)) && $setting > 0) { $freeBidData['Bid']['user_id'] = $this->Auth->user('id'); $freeBidData['Bid']['description'] = __('Free bids given for winning your first auction.', true); $freeBidData['Bid']['credit'] = $setting; $this->User->Bid->create(); $this->User->Bid->save($freeBidData); } } $this->redirect(array('action' => 'returning')); } } $this->set('total', $total); } } function returning() { $this->Session->setFlash(__('Your payment was successfully. We will notify you when your item has been shipped.', true)); $this->redirect(array('action' => 'won')); } function ipn(){ $this->layout = 'js/ajax'; $this->Paypal->configure(array('url' => Configure::read('Paypal.url'))); if($this->Paypal->validate_ipn()){ // Get user auction $auction = $this->Auction->findById($this->Paypal->ipn_data['item_number']); if(!empty($auction)){ // Variable to hold auction total $total = 0; // Get auction total if($auction['Auction']['fixed_price'] > 0) { $total = $auction['Auction']['fixed_price'] + $auction['Auction']['delivery_cost']; } else { $total = $auction['Auction']['start_price'] + $auction['Auction']['delivery_cost']; } $total = number_format($total, 2); // Fraud detection if($this->Paypal->ipn_data['mc_gross'] == $total){ $auction['Auction']['status_id'] = 2; $this->Auction->save($auction); // lets check to see if we this is the first time they have added bids $wonBefore = $this->Auction->find('count', array('conditions' => array('Auction.winner_id' => $this->Paypal->ipn_data('custom')))); if($wonBefore == 1) { $setting = $this->Setting->get('free_won_auction_bids'); if((is_numeric($setting)) && $setting > 0) { $freeBidData['Bid']['user_id'] = $this->Auth->user('id'); $freeBidData['Bid']['description'] = __('Free bids given for winning your first auction.', true); $freeBidData['Bid']['credit'] = $setting; $this->User->Bid->create(); $this->User->Bid->save($freeBidData); $this->log('free bids added'); } } }else{ $this->log('Fraud detected on auction #'. $auction['Auction']['id'] . ', db total : ' . $total . ', paypal total : ' . $this->Paypal->ipn_data['mc_gross']); return false; } }else{ $this->log('User auction id:'.$this->Paypal->ipn_data['item_number'].' not found'); return false; } }else{ $this->log('ipn verification failed'); } } function offline() { } function admin_index() { $this->paginate = array('limit' => $this->appConfigurations['pageLimit'], 'order' => array('Auction.end_time DESC', 'Auction.closed ASC')); $this->set('auctions', $this->paginate('Auction')); } function admin_live() { $this->paginate = array('conditions' => "start_time < '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "' AND end_time > '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'", 'limit' => $this->appConfigurations['pageLimit'], 'order' => array('closed' => 'asc', 'end_time' => 'asc')); $this->set('auctions', $this->paginate('Auction')); $this->set('extraCrumb', array('title' => 'Live Auctions', 'url' => 'live')); $this->render('admin_index'); } function admin_comingsoon(){ $this->paginate = array('conditions' => "start_time > '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'", 'limit' => $this->appConfigurations['pageLimit'], 'order' => array('end_time' => 'asc')); $this->set('auctions', $this->paginate('Auction')); $this->set('extraCrumb', array('title' => 'Coming Soon', 'url' => 'comingsoon')); $this->render('admin_index'); } function admin_closed(){ $this->paginate = array('conditions' => array('closed' => 1), 'limit' => $this->appConfigurations['pageLimit'], 'order' => array('end_time' => 'desc')); $this->set('auctions', $this->paginate('Auction')); $this->set('extraCrumb', array('title' => 'Closed Auctions', 'url' => 'closed')); $this->render('admin_index'); } function admin_won($status_id = null) { if(!empty($status_id)){ $conditions = array('winner_id >' => 0, 'Winner.autobidder' => 0, 'Auction.status_id' => $status_id); }else{ $conditions = array('winner_id >' => 0, 'Winner.autobidder' => 0); } $this->paginate = array('conditions' => $conditions, 'limit' => $this->appConfigurations['pageLimit'], 'order' => array('end_time' => 'asc')); $this->set('auctions', $this->paginate('Auction')); $this->set('statuses', $this->Auction->Status->find('list')); $this->set('selected', $status_id); $this->set('extraCrumb', array('title' => 'Won Auctions', 'url' => 'won')); $this->render('admin_index'); } function admin_user($user_id = null) { if(empty($user_id)) { $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid User.', true)); $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'index')); } $user = $this->Auction->Winner->read(null, $user_id); if(empty($user)) { $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid User.', true)); $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'index')); } $this->set('user', $user); $this->paginate = array('conditions' => array('Auction.winner_id' => $user_id), 'limit' => $this->appConfigurations['pageLimit'], 'order' => array('Auction.end_time' => 'asc')); $this->set('auctions', $this->paginate()); } function admin_winner($id = null) { if (empty($id)) { $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid Auction', true)); $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index')); } $auction = $this->Auction->read(null, $id); if(empty($auction)) { $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid Auction', true)); $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index')); } if(!empty($this->data)) { $this->Auction->save($this->data); if($this->data['Auction']['inform'] == 1) { $data = $this->Auction->findbyId($id); $data['Status']['comment'] = $this->data['Auction']['comment']; $data['to'] = $auction['Winner']['email']; $data['subject'] = sprintf(__('%s - Auction Status Updated', true), $this->appConfigurations['name']); $data['template'] = 'auctions/status'; $this->_sendEmail($data); } $this->Session->setFlash(__('The auction status was successfully updated.', true)); $this->redirect(array('action' => 'winner', $auction['Auction']['id'])); } $this->set('auction', $auction); $user = $this->Auction->Winner->read(null, $auction['Auction']['winner_id']); $this->set('user', $user); $this->Auction->Winner->Address->AddressType->recursive = -1; $addresses = $this->Auction->Winner->Address->AddressType->find('all'); $userAddress = array(); $addressRequired = 0; if(!empty($addresses)) { foreach($addresses as $address) { $userAddress[$address['AddressType']['name']] = $this->Auction->Winner->Address->find('first', array('conditions' => array('Address.user_id' => $auction['Auction']['winner_id'], 'Address.address_type_id' => $address['AddressType']['id']))); } } $this->set('address', $userAddress); $this->set('selectedStatus', $auction['Auction']['status_id']); $this->set('statuses', $this->Auction->Status->find('list')); } function admin_add($id = null) { if (!empty($this->data)) { if(empty($this->data['Auction']['rrp'])) { $this->data['Auction']['rrp'] = 0; } if(empty($this->data['Auction']['delivery_cost'])) { $this->data['Auction']['delivery_cost'] = 0; } if(empty($this->data['Auction']['fixed_price'])) { $this->data['Auction']['fixed_price'] = 0; } $this->Auction->create(); if ($this->Auction->save($this->data)) { $this->Session->setFlash(__('The auction has been added successfully. <a href="/admin/auction_images/index/'.$this->Auction->getInsertID().'">Click here to add the auction images</a>.', true)); $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index')); } else { $this->Session->setFlash(__('There was a problem adding the auction please review the errors below and try again.', true)); } } else { if (!empty($id)) { $this->data = $this->Auction->read(null, $id); } } $this->set('categories', $this->Auction->Category->generatetreelist(null, null, null, '-')); } function admin_edit($id = null) { if (!$id && empty($this->data)) { $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid Auction', true)); $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index')); } if (!empty($this->data)) { if(empty($this->data['Auction']['rrp'])) { $this->data['Auction']['rrp'] = 0; } if(empty($this->data['Auction']['delivery_cost'])) { $this->data['Auction']['delivery_cost'] = 0; } if(empty($this->data['Auction']['fixed_price'])) { $this->data['Auction']['fixed_price'] = 0; } if ($this->Auction->save($this->data)) { $this->Session->setFlash(__('The auction has been updated successfully.', true)); $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index')); } else { $this->Session->setFlash(__('There was a problem updating the auction please review the errors below and try again.', true)); } } if (empty($this->data)) { $this->data = $this->Auction->read(null, $id); if(empty($this->data)) { $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid Auction', true)); $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index')); } } $this->set('categories', $this->Auction->Category->generatetreelist(null, null, null, '-')); } function admin_refund($id = null) { if (!$id) { $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid id for Auction.', true)); $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index')); } $this->Auction->Bid->deleteAll(array('Bid.auction_id' => $id)); $this->Session->setFlash(__('The bids were successfully refunded.', true)); $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index')); } function admin_delete($id = null) { if (!$id) { $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid id for Auction.', true)); } if ($this->Auction->del($id)) { // future code here for bidchopper bid butler - will need to refund BB's not yet run $this->Session->setFlash(__('The auction was deleted successfully.', true)); } else { $this->Session->setFlash(__('There was a problem deleting this auction.', true)); } $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index')); } function admin_extension($id = null) { if (!$id && empty($this->data)) { $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid Auction', true)); $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index')); } if (!empty($this->data)) { $this->Auction->set($this->data); if($this->Auction->validates()) { $this->Auction->save($this->data, false); $this->Session->setFlash(__('The auction\'s auto extend has been updated successfully.', true)); $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index')); } else { $this->Session->setFlash(__('There was a problem updating the auction\'s auto extend please review the errors below and try again.', true)); } } else { $this->data = $this->Auction->read(null, $id); if(empty($this->data)) { $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid Auction', true)); $this->redirect(array('action'=>'index')); } if($this->data['Auction']['minimum_price'] == 0) { $this->data['Auction']['minimum_price'] = ''; } if($this->data['Auction']['time_extended'] == 0) { $this->data['Auction']['time_extended'] = ''; } if($this->data['Auction']['time_before_extend'] == 0) { $this->data['Auction']['time_before_extend'] = ''; } } $this->set('autobidders', $this->User->find('count', array('conditions' => array('' => 1, 'User.autobidder' => 1)))); } } ?>