Paths for the speller pages...
Spellerpages in the distro version of FCK do not function in our configuration.
Keeping it simple because the config is complicated ( NOT by my choice) .
Our webfiles are mapped accorss the entwork in iss using a unc path
but in this config.. php returns an error saying that the cgi performed so error.
alsmost like it does not have the permissions to execute. But because of the complexity
of the configuration I have had to copy the spellerpages directory to the local machine and
then create a virtual directory.
In any case... in doing so i have had to edit the javascript and paths in the spellchecker.js files to point
to this virtual directory include the while path in a few lines IE:
function spellChecker (textObject, home ){ //note that home is added here
this.popUpUrl = home + '/admin/speller/spellchecker.html';
Then /dialog/fck_spellerpages.html on line 35 needs to accomidate this change.. IE:
var oSpeller = new spellChecker ( document.getElementById('txtHtml'), 'walmart');
so.. my question is this..
can the configuration file be modified on a pernament basis (as a feature enhancement) to accomidate a given path?
in this case.. allow js var to assign walmart to.
make it so that i can change fckeditor to point to /dialog/fck_spellerpages.php instead
of /dialog/fck_spellerpages.html this would allow greater felxibility in the spell checker configuration as well.
tks much... if there are any questions please ask...
Spellerpages in the distro version of FCK do not function in our configuration.
Keeping it simple because the config is complicated ( NOT by my choice) .
Our webfiles are mapped accorss the entwork in iss using a unc path
but in this config.. php returns an error saying that the cgi performed so error.
alsmost like it does not have the permissions to execute. But because of the complexity
of the configuration I have had to copy the spellerpages directory to the local machine and
then create a virtual directory.
In any case... in doing so i have had to edit the javascript and paths in the spellchecker.js files to point
to this virtual directory include the while path in a few lines IE:
function spellChecker (textObject, home ){ //note that home is added here
this.popUpUrl = home + '/admin/speller/spellchecker.html';
Then /dialog/fck_spellerpages.html on line 35 needs to accomidate this change.. IE:
var oSpeller = new spellChecker ( document.getElementById('txtHtml'), 'walmart');
so.. my question is this..
can the configuration file be modified on a pernament basis (as a feature enhancement) to accomidate a given path?
in this case.. allow js var to assign walmart to.
make it so that i can change fckeditor to point to /dialog/fck_spellerpages.php instead
of /dialog/fck_spellerpages.html this would allow greater felxibility in the spell checker configuration as well.
tks much... if there are any questions please ask...