Hi there,
i am using php.
i have a problem with configuring image uplader, i have a simple page that has a fckeditor form with image uploader enabled, iamges gets uplaoded etc everything is fine. When i submit form and echo the posted that i see the image and such.
BUT i dont see the image in fckeditor while editing, i just see that missing image icon.
my directory structure is like this.
in addpage folder i have index.php and result.php file.
fckeditor is at C:\wamp\www\test\addpage\fckeditor
userfiles is at C:\wamp\www\test\addpage\userfiles
images gets uploaded to C:\wamp\www\test\addpage\userfiles\images
index.php has a simple fckeditor form that posts to result.php, it only prints the posted data.
and as i said, i see images and the data printed correctly in result.php but i cant see images in fckeditor while editing.
my connector config is like this:
i am using php.
i have a problem with configuring image uplader, i have a simple page that has a fckeditor form with image uploader enabled, iamges gets uplaoded etc everything is fine. When i submit form and echo the posted that i see the image and such.
BUT i dont see the image in fckeditor while editing, i just see that missing image icon.
my directory structure is like this.
in addpage folder i have index.php and result.php file.
fckeditor is at C:\wamp\www\test\addpage\fckeditor
userfiles is at C:\wamp\www\test\addpage\userfiles
images gets uploaded to C:\wamp\www\test\addpage\userfiles\images
index.php has a simple fckeditor form that posts to result.php, it only prints the posted data.
and as i said, i see images and the data printed correctly in result.php but i cant see images in fckeditor while editing.
my connector config is like this:
// Path to user files relative to the document root. $Config['UserFilesPath'] = 'userfiles/' ; $Config['UserFilesAbsolutePath'] = 'C:\\wamp\\www\\test\\addpage\\userfiles\\' ;