Exactly how do you install FCKeditor into WebCalendar??? The instructions at http://www.k5n.us/webcalendar.php?topic=Add-Ons say "Untar or unzip the file into your WebCalendar includes directory. You should then be allowed to use this editor for event descriptions when adding or editing an event." So unziped the folder (FCKeditor-2.0) inside the zip file into the WebCalendar includes direectory. Nothing happened when I ran WebCalendar. The was not editor when adding an event.
Fri, 12/15/2006 - 11:17
Re: FCKeditor in WebCalendar
I am having the same problem.
Can anyone help please?
Thank you
Indeed, how to get ckeditor recognized in Webcalendar?
I need this help please
have installed Webcalendar
but installed webcal/includes/ckeditor and nothing happens - still plain textarea
did set "allow html" = Y n webcal config