I would like to have FCKEditor code on a server that could be called by my other project's servers. But it looks like Javascript blocks the execution of some instructions in this configuration. I have the next error message (in Firefox, but the problem is quite the same in IE) :
uncaught exception: Permission refusée de modifier la propriété Window.FCK_STATUS_NOTLOADED
Is there any trick to use FCK that way, other than having fckeditor on each server or using servlets to proxify the http calls, pretending all is on the same server ?
Is FCK not designed at all to be used cross-domain ?
I made some search but I didn't find nothing really explicit. Any idea ?
Thanks for the help.
Thu, 07/03/2008 - 15:14
Re: FCKEditor on an external server
It's not FCK editor that prevents this, but the JavaScript engine, to protect you against cross-domain vulnerabilities. If your servers are within the same domain, you can make it work. See here for details:
http://www.mozilla.org/projects/securit ... rigin.html