Hi, how are all of you? I have problem with Ajax file/image manager integration with FCKEditor. The problem is that when you Browser server for files or images, everything goes perfectly fine. The problem occurs when you select a file and press the "Select" button. The problem is that clicking the "Select" button just close the browser window. It does not put any thing in the "FCK Insert Image" window. In IE, it simply puts 'null' in "URL" field of "Image Property" window while in Firefox, it puts nothing. I tried it with latest FCKEditor and latest Ajax file/image Manager packages.
If any of you have working FCKEditor and Ajax file/image manager, please please please send them to my email (dexsense@yahoo.com) or send it via any other way, you are comfortable with.
I had downloaded Ajax image/file manager from http://www.phpletter.com/Demo/Ajax-File--Manager/\
Any help or suggestion will be really really really appreciated ...
Thanks a lot ..
Fri, 07/10/2009 - 14:28