I downloaded FCKEditor 2.6.4 form here http://www.fckeditor.net/download. Then unzipped it to /extentions directory. Next i edited LocalSettings.php and added the following:
# use AJAX $wgUseAjax = 1; #FCKEditor require_once("$IP/extensions/fckeditor/fckeditor.php"); # Ссылки на переключение с рич-редактора на стандартный $wgDefaultUserOptions['riched_use_toggle'] = 1; # По умолчанию отключен рич-редактор $wgDefaultUserOptions['riched_start_disabled'] = 0; # Появиться ссылка для возможности открытия в новом окне рич-редактор $wgDefaultUserOptions['riched_use_popup'] = 1; # Помнить ваш выбор (рич/стандарт) $wgDefaultUserOptions['riched_toggle_remember_state'] = 1; $wgFCKEditorExtDir = "extentions/fckeditor"; # path to FCKeditor extension. Defaults to extensions/FCKeditor. $wgFCKEditorDir = "extentions/fckeditor/editor"; # path to the actual FCKeditor. Defaults to extensions/FCKeditor/fckeditor/ $wgFCKEditorToolbarSet = ""; # defaults to 'Wiki'. $wgFCKEditorHeight = "300"; # for automatic ('300' minimum). Defaults to '0'.