I am attempting to use the perl file upload in a unix environment with no success.
I have got all of the fckeditor features working except for uploading files.
I am able to create directories successfully and pull files manually moved into /userfiles/
The message comes back that the file has been successfully uploaded but it never reaches the copy command line in commands.pl
and there is no file on disk.
(using latest fckeditor version downloaded 05/27/09)
I have had to move the perl files into /cgi-bin and hardcode the path in fckconfig.js to allow them to work running under apache.
I greatly appreciate any assistance that can be provided on this issue.
-Adam Young
I am attempting to use the perl file upload in a unix environment with no success.
I have got all of the fckeditor features working except for uploading files.
I am able to create directories successfully and pull files manually moved into /userfiles/
The message comes back that the file has been successfully uploaded but it never reaches the copy command line in commands.pl
and there is no file on disk.
(using latest fckeditor version downloaded 05/27/09)
I have had to move the perl files into /cgi-bin and hardcode the path in fckconfig.js to allow them to work running under apache.
I greatly appreciate any assistance that can be provided on this issue.
-Adam Young