I have a situation where I have 4 FCK editor's on one page. I want to only show one toolbar at a time, so that the view doesn't get too cluttered. But I want the toolbar to be near the active editor so I need a OnClick or OnFocus event for the editors so that I can swap in and out the appropriate toolbar depending on which editor the user clicks in. Does anyone know how to do something like this. I've been trying like crazy to get it working but so far the only times I can get an onfocus event to fire is in a place in the javascript where I can't get access to the toolbar to swap it out.
Mon, 05/07/2007 - 14:01
RE: FCK OnFocus/OnClick event
For the onFocus event see the API wiki docs: http://wiki.fckeditor.net/Developer%27s ... script_API
To collapse the toolbar see my toggleFCKeditor and its code description on http://www.saulmade.nl/FCKeditor/FCKSnippets.php
RE: FCK OnFocus/OnClick event