- Drupal 6.10
latest WYSIWYG module
FCKeditor 2.6.4
FCKeditor module.
Tapestry Theme
Table of Contents Module
So I have installed and configured all of the above, only there is ONE problem:
I can't get bullets of any kind to show up in my published content (page, book, story, whatever), but they WILL show up in my preview pane.
When I view Source in FCKeditor textarea, all the markup is there.
When I publish the page and view the source using FireFox 3.0.8, all the markup is there.
When I check the Settings > Input Formats list, all the needed tags are allowed.
When I check FCKeditor's configuration, all the needed tags are allowed.
When I view Tapestry's style.css, there is no setting for list style to be set to "none".
When I view my own content.css that Tapestry refers to, all my styles are picked up, and I explicitly set list style to "disk".
When I look at permissions in all my directories, they can be read and executed in the right places.
When I remove Table of Contents markup from page, still no list bullets/numbers; no conflict detected.
Okay folks. I've gone through my list of what I could think of to do that's obvious, and it hasn't worked.
Can someone please tell me what I should try that wasn't obvious to me, so that I and other users can simply see bullets and numbers in front
of my list items on a published page?
Re: Drupal 6.10: UL and OL bullets not showing on published page
It appears that someone else developed a module and Drupal is applying THEIR stylesheet from outside Tapestry and the default css sheets, and their list-style = "none" is overriding Drupal's content UI stylesheets and the Tapestry ones.
How do we isolate this? This is a fun one, if they want to have a module with list items that have no bullets or numbers, but want it to work as a pop-up on top of the site UI.
Re: Drupal 6.10: UL and OL bullets not showing on published page