So I have installed and configured all of the above, only there is ONE problem:
I can't get bullets of any kind to show up in my published content (page, book, story, whatever), but they WILL show up in my preview pane.
Okay folks. I've gone through my list of what I could think of to do that's obvious, and it hasn't worked.
Can someone please tell me what I should try that wasn't obvious to me, so that I and other users can simply see bullets and numbers in front
of my list items on a published page?
- Drupal 6.10
latest WYSIWYG module
FCKeditor 2.6.4
FCKeditor module.
Tapestry Theme
Table of Contents Module
So I have installed and configured all of the above, only there is ONE problem:
I can't get bullets of any kind to show up in my published content (page, book, story, whatever), but they WILL show up in my preview pane.
When I view Source in FCKeditor textarea, all the markup is there.
When I publish the page and view the source using FireFox 3.0.8, all the markup is there.
When I check the Settings > Input Formats list, all the needed tags are allowed.
When I check FCKeditor's configuration, all the needed tags are allowed.
When I view Tapestry's style.css, there is no setting for list style to be set to "none".
When I view my own content.css that Tapestry refers to, all my styles are picked up, and I explicitly set list style to "disk".
When I look at permissions in all my directories, they can be read and executed in the right places.
When I remove Table of Contents markup from page, still no list bullets/numbers; no conflict detected.
Okay folks. I've gone through my list of what I could think of to do that's obvious, and it hasn't worked.
Can someone please tell me what I should try that wasn't obvious to me, so that I and other users can simply see bullets and numbers in front
of my list items on a published page?
Re: Drupal 6.10: UL and OL bullets not showing on published page
It appears that someone else developed a module and Drupal is applying THEIR stylesheet from outside Tapestry and the default css sheets, and their list-style = "none" is overriding Drupal's content UI stylesheets and the Tapestry ones.
How do we isolate this? This is a fun one, if they want to have a module with list items that have no bullets or numbers, but want it to work as a pop-up on top of the site UI.
Re: Drupal 6.10: UL and OL bullets not showing on published page