Contents not loads in IE (5.0, 6.0, 6.0sp1). It loads, when disabling JavaScript or when opening page in Opera or Netscape. But in IE it not loads.
I think, something is in js/fck_editor.js file. In fucntion setLinkedField(). Sometimes it runs ok, but sometimes it just fails without saying anythink.
FCKeditor works ok, when using it in local network, accessing site with computer name, like "http://double/cproduct/www/admin/".
But when accessing from same computer, when it is located throw localhost (http://localhost/...) it doesn't load content. And does not save content to hidden input element.
Please, copy reply to email too. Any russian speaker dealing with FCKeditor - contact me, plz.
Fri, 08/15/2003 - 08:05