Hey everyone,
First off, I tried to search for solutions to my question but surprisingly did not find anyone else with the same problems. I am having some difficulty setting config options without modifying the fckconfig.js. I do not want to hardcode in the fckconfig.js as there are multiple instances of the editor across many pages.
Specifically I want to load certain plugins and set certain style sheets depending on the usage of the editor.
To my knowledge the following should accomplish what I want but errors:
var oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor('txt_ClippingsContent');
oFCKeditor.BasePath = "/FCKeditor/";
oFCKeditor.ToolbarSet = "Clippings";
oFCKeditor.Height = 400;
oFCKeditor.Config['EditorAreaCSS'] = oFCKeditor.BasePath + 'css/Clippings.css';
oFCKeditor.Config['SkinPath'] = oFCKeditor.BasePath + 'editor/skins/silver/';
The config setting for SkinPath works, but the Plugins entry errors with 'oFCKeditor.Config.Plugins' is null or not and object. Also, the desired stylesheet is not attached either. If I hardcode the values into fckconfig.js everything works fine.
Am I way off base with trying to do it this way?
Thanks guys
Thu, 05/25/2006 - 10:38
RE: Config questions
It appears that oFCKeditor.Config['EditorAreaCSS'] does not work in the new 2.3Beta as it did in 2.2. I rolled back to 2.2 and the oFCKeditor.Config['EditorAreaCSS'] works fine.
Just have to figure out how to add plugin's from outside of fckconfig.js.