is there a way to insert a word, for example, at ceratin cursor position in FCKeditor ???
I tried inserting value (at the end) with javascript function:
function addSomething(something) {
frmFckEditor.objContent.DOM.body.innerHTML += something;
and it works fine!
I really need to know how to make a similar function so that it inserts "something" variable at current cursor position which might be in the middle of some text. There is a similar thing in phpBB forums, while posting and adding smile-faces . For that function there is another function that creates properties for textarea object. It is being called every time a key is pressed on it (onKeyUp, onFocus, onSelect events). Since the javascript function (above) works with a html page (innerHTML) how can I get the cursor position??
Or, if anybody has any solution it would be great
Tue, 03/30/2004 - 07:36