I have heaps of sites built using FCKeditor and I reckon its the ant's pants ! A typical textarea replacment looks like this:
Note the original (default) textarea section has been commented out.
I was about to update my codebase with CKeditor, but if it cant work like this then I need to go elsewhere or stay on FKCeditor. Pity that.
I have heaps of sites built using FCKeditor and I reckon its the ant's pants ! A typical textarea replacment looks like this:
<td> <!-- <textarea name="pagecontent_pag_<?php // echo $cnt1; ?>" id="pagecontent_pag_<?php // echo $cnt1; ?>" cols="50" rows="5"><?php // echo KT_escapeAttribute($row_rspages_pag['pagecontent_pag']); ?></textarea> --> <?php $oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor("pagecontent_pag_$cnt1"); $oFCKeditor->BasePath = '../fckeditor/'; $oFCKeditor->Value = $row_rspages_pag['pagecontent_pag']; $oFCKeditor->Width = '680'; $oFCKeditor->Height = '500'; $oFCKeditor->ToolbarSet = 'pageContent'; $oFCKeditor->Create(); ?> <?php echo $tNGs->displayFieldHint("pagecontent_pag");?> <?php echo $tNGs->displayFieldError("pages_pag", "pagecontent_pag", $cnt1); ?> </td>
Note the original (default) textarea section has been commented out.
I was about to update my codebase with CKeditor, but if it cant work like this then I need to go elsewhere or stay on FKCeditor. Pity that.