I would know how to create one button "more" that insert in source code of my textarea my custom's tag <more>.
I try with this but I do not understand how to add the tag, in the code below i use ***** because i don't know what to write.
Thank you for help
I would know how to create one button "more" that insert in source code of my textarea my custom's tag <more>.
I try with this but I do not understand how to add the tag, in the code below i use ***** because i don't know what to write.
<script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ // Replace the <textarea id="descrizione"> with an CKEditor instance. var editor = CKEDITOR.replace( 'descrizione', { // Defines a simpler toolbar to be used in this sample. toolbar : [ [ 'Source', '-', 'Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'Strike','-','Link', '-', 'More' ] ] }); editor.on( 'pluginsLoaded', function( ev ) { // Register the command used to open the dialog. editor.addCommand( 'moreCmd', ***** ); // Add the a custom toolbar buttons, which fires the above // command.. editor.ui.addButton( 'More', { label : 'More', command : 'moreCmd' } ); }); </script>
Thank you for help
Re: CKeditor v3 - Create customizable button to insert tag
Re: CKeditor v3 - Create customizable button to insert tag
Re: CKeditor v3 - Create customizable button to insert tag
this link might help u...
http://blog.tommed.co.uk/2009/09/07/how ... -v3-plugin