So for reasons that I can't remember right now (I think because paste from Word worked for me in tinymce, but not in ckeditor) I have both tinymce and ckeditor on one page. I wanted form capabilities, so I added ckeditor back in because tinymce doesn't have it.
Originally they were both showing up, but now, ckeditor has disappeared and there is nothing but blank space where it's supposed to be ( "Answer Text" editor used to be there...I swear, but now it doesn't display.
Any ideas?
Thu, 10/29/2009 - 14:30
Re: CKEditor disappeared...
" It was working before..." and then, what did you change?
1.) I'm pretty sure form elements cannot be nested. I suspect that's the problem.
2.) if the nested form tags are not the problem, try creating the CKEditor without asking it to load the formsToolbar
3.) Make sure that onclick="CKEDITOR.instances.answerText.destroy() is not receiving an onClick event
Re: CKEditor disappeared...
Re: CKEditor disappeared...
<td><textarea id='answerText' name='answerText' cols='85' rows='10'></textarea>
<script type="text/javascript">
CKEDITOR.replace( 'answerText',
toolbar: 'FormsToolbar'
<td colspan=2 align='center'>
<input type='submit' value="Add question" onclick="CKEDITOR.instances.answerText.destroy()" />
In the code snippet from you, I see two form closing tags in a row - meaning one form is nested within the other. Try removing the CKEditor's form tags from the page, make sure the TinyMCE's forms are set up properly, then get your cursor beyond the other forms' closing tags before inserting the form for CKEditor.
Re: CKEditor disappeared...