Hello. I am using CKEditor 3.6.3 in Drupal 7.15 with WYSIWYG module 7.x-2.1. I also have the patch from this post (http://drupal.org/node/746524#comment-4730732) applied to the WYSIWYG module to enable styles to be passed to the CKEditor style drop down.
The problem I am facing is that while the styles are passed and are applied correctly within the editor they are not actually rendered correctly in the drop-down list, nor are they displayed in the order in which they are defined in my WYSIWYG profile in Drupal.
As you can see from the attached image the styles are applied in the editor when I select them, but they are not rendered in the style drop-down list.
Also, you can see that the styles are not rendered in the correct order since H2 comes after the other headers. In the WYSIWYG profile and the associated stylesheet these are defined sequentially.
If anyone has any ideas as to how this can be addressed I would appreciate it.
Fri, 09/28/2012 - 20:31
Re: CKEditor & Drupal - styles not rendered in style drop-do