I have FCKEditor for my forum!
but it gives alot many problems while Editing the topics and posts
- line space problem
- hyperlinking text will make your text tiny no matter what your desired size is
- automatic jumbling of html code
- first line coming down to last is very comon
- images floating nowhere in the topic is highly expected
- image border never works
- Use Templates at your own risk as it cannot afford and whole composition go down the drain
- entry of slash is prohibited... if you try to insert it also it is eaten by editor
listed above are few problem to list out... there are many more
it is unpredictable... it is fine while compiling but worst while editing
Unfortunately CKEditor WYSIWYG should be WYSIWYDG
D is for Don't
Now, I am planning to have 2 Editors now - WYSIWYG for advanced users and a Basic Editor like this one for Beginners with Toggle Feature.
Can I get the Source Code for the CKEditor I am compiling this topic with? it is very nice for basic use!
just redirect me to the code, I'll be very grateful
Re: CKEditor with BBCode
Re: CKEditor with BBCode
hello garry.yao,
thanks for reply
I need a BBCode plugin for CKEditor that actually works - it is best if I get it from here
WYSIWYG editor for novice users will be annoying so need a simple BBCode editor just like BBCode editor in any other Bulletin Board but most of them do not use CKEditor
I want to enable BBCode functionality within CKEditor
would you please redirect me to the exact location where I get the right solution
Re: CKEditor with BBCode
We released CKEditor 3.6 about two weeks ago and as stated in the announcement post, it now includes a sample BBCode implementation that can work as an example of how to customize CKEditor to output BBCode.
To see how it works you can download the latest CKEditor release, go to the "_samples" folder and check the BBCode Plugin sample (bbcode.html). Alternatively, you can also see it "live" on our nightly build: http://nightly.ckeditor.com/latest/cked ... bcode.html.
Note, however, that BBCode is not a standard and various message boards and blog engines differ in their implementations of this markup language. It is impossible for us to provide a working out-of-the-box solution for every BBCode dialect that is available, so we created the sample implementation to give some guidance to external developers who would like to use the CKEditor + BBCode combination.
We hope that the sample plugin will be useful for your efforts and at the same time hope that you will be willing to share your solution with the community, in a true Open Source fashion. Good luck!
Documentation Manager, CKSource
See CKEditor 5 docs, CKEditor 4 docs, CKEditor 3 docs, CKFinder 3 docs, CKFinder 2 docs for help.
Visit the new CKEditor SDK for samples showcasing editor features to try out and download!
Re: CKEditor with BBCode
Re: CKEditor with BBCode
As for CKEditor, our BBCode plugin mentioned above shows how to use a WYSIWYG editor (this is what CKEditor is) to output BBCode-formatted text instead of HTML, which is a standard WYSIWYG editor output format.
Documentation Manager, CKSource
See CKEditor 5 docs, CKEditor 4 docs, CKEditor 3 docs, CKFinder 3 docs, CKFinder 2 docs for help.
Visit the new CKEditor SDK for samples showcasing editor features to try out and download!