I am trying to do a custom build of CKEDITOR using the build.sh in the ckeditor-dev project.
The entire project builds fine, but the individual language files for the plugins aren't building into the outputted file, so I get errors when I try to run the editor on the client-side complaining about things such as "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'label' of undefined."
Is there a way to ensure that all of the lang files get built with the project? For reference, this is my build-config.js file:
/** * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license */ var CKBUILDER_CONFIG = { skin: 'moono', ignore: [ 'dev', 'README.md', '.gitignore', '.gitattributes', '.idea', '.mailmap', '.DS_Store' ], languages: { 'en': 1 }, plugins: { basicstyles: 1, button: 1, clipboard: 1, dialog: 1, dialogui: 1, fakeobjects: 1, floatingspace: 1, floatpanel: 1, format: 1, indent: 1, justify: 1, link: 1, list: 1, listblock: 1, panel: 1, pastefromword: 1, pastetext: 1, removeformat: 1, richcombo: 1, stylescombo: 1, toolbar: 1, undo: 1, font: 1, datafield: 1, emailChanel: 1, pagination: 1 } };
Anyone solve this problem? I
Anyone solve this problem? I am having the same issue....