I tried to start FCKeditor with some default value which contains backslash, but FCKeditor seems to remove it. I tried PHP addslashes but still to no good. I know it's not a problem with magic quote because I just embed the default value into the same page something like...
Thanks a lot.
I tried to start FCKeditor with some default value which contains backslash, but FCKeditor seems to remove it. I tried PHP addslashes but still to no good. I know it's not a problem with magic quote because I just embed the default value into the same page something like...
$default_html = "Test \ Test"; $tpl->setVariable('htmlMessage', '<script type="text/javascript"> var oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor("editor1"); oFCKeditor.BasePath = "../editor/"; oFCKeditor.Config["AutoDetectLanguage"] = false ; oFCKeditor.Width = "90%" ; oFCKeditor.Height = "320" ; oFCKeditor.Config["DefaultLanguage"] = "'.$editor_lang.'" ; oFCKeditor.Value = \''.$default_html.'\'; oFCKeditor.Create(); </script>');
Thanks a lot.
Re: Backslash remove
/ ( / )
\ ( \ )
Re: Backslash remove