We see this problem mostly on Firefox, Chrome and Safari, but not IE or Opera.
It seems that various actions cause BLUR and FOCUS events to fire even though they don't seem like they ought to (the focus is still in the CKEditor instance).
We see these fire rapidaly on a PASTE operation.
We see these fire rapidly on a RIGHT-CLICK in a TABLE CELL (to bring up the table context menu).
Why are these actions within the editor considered to create BLUR and FOCUS events?
This still seems to occur on
This still seems to occur on version 4.0.1.
Thank you for your message.
Thank you for your message. Could you, however, be so kind as to report the issue on our Development site, as described here? Our QA team can only deal with your issue when it is reported on the tracker. Thanks in advance!
Documentation Manager, CKSource
See CKEditor 5 docs, CKEditor 4 docs, CKEditor 3 docs, CKFinder 3 docs, CKFinder 2 docs for help.
Visit the new CKEditor SDK for samples showcasing editor features to try out and download!
We took your advice and
We took your advice and rather than attempting to redefine the blur event to work like 'forceBlur' did in 3.x, we're using:
CKEDITOR.focusManager._.blurDelay = 70;
I was told the actual default is 200, not 100 as documented. At 100, we still get issues with a button in our UI being executed before the editor's blur event fires and so we don't get the current editor state (the button knows nothing about CKEditor components also on the page).
But at 70, we don't see this at all. Unfortunately, the Safari browser still has issues with RIGHT-CLICK in a TABLE CELL, but if you do it twice, the second will work fine.
In the end, this seems very brittle using a number like this, just as 200 the default is. It would certainly be a better solution to not rely on such timers, but we'll go with this for now as it seems to mostly work for us.
blur still needed to detect changes in SOURCE mode
We found that with CKEditor 4.2 we still need to rely on the blur event to detect changes made in SOURCE mode.
Again, if you feel this is a
Again, if you feel this is a bug you should report it on the dev site. The team is quite receptive so head on over there! You can even post feature requests.
Customer and Community Manager, CKSource
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