I am using Asp.Net MVC preview 5 and, in order to make the FCK sends data to my controller, I've found I must decorate the action with the attribute "ValidateInput(false)", which is inside Microsoft.Web.Mvc dll. However, there is no overload that accepts a boolean as a parameter and I can't make a bypass in the validation, receiving the message "A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client" everytime I post from my view to my controller.
Is it a problem of the preview 5? I know there are new versions of the Asp.Net Mvc ready to use, but I'd like to make it work with the preview 5 and I can't see how if this validation input attribute won't let me use it correctly. Can anyone enlighten me?
Thanks in advance for your help,
Artur Caliendo Prado
I am using Asp.Net MVC preview 5 and, in order to make the FCK sends data to my controller, I've found I must decorate the action with the attribute "ValidateInput(false)", which is inside Microsoft.Web.Mvc dll. However, there is no overload that accepts a boolean as a parameter and I can't make a bypass in the validation, receiving the message "A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client" everytime I post from my view to my controller.
Is it a problem of the preview 5? I know there are new versions of the Asp.Net Mvc ready to use, but I'd like to make it work with the preview 5 and I can't see how if this validation input attribute won't let me use it correctly. Can anyone enlighten me?
Thanks in advance for your help,
Artur Caliendo Prado