Hello! This is my first post here. I'm replacing a product that was developed in Joomla, and the current clients manage much of their content using a wysiwug. I think it might even be this one. Never having allowed clients to modify web content in this way, I'm trying to come to terms with how to store the parts of the website that they will be allowed to modify. In general it is contact info (Council people who change with the legislative sessions - that sort of thing), but I think my team will want to emply this cool feature more broadly. We use Microsoft visual studio and MVC 4.0. Normally the content in question would be part of a view. Now I suppose editable content will be text stored in a database. How to name it? Should it be the name of the view + the type of content it is (such as contact info - Article - title info - etc...)? How are others naming and storing pieces of their websites that are modified in this manner? Are there any good articles or samples specific to MVC 4.0. Thanks so much! I'm very excited about this product and I hope I will be able to contribute to this forum in a productive way.
Thu, 09/12/2013 - 15:08