I'm currently trying to insert applets in the ckeditor (in a moodle page) and I'm not able to have it running correctly inside the editor (wysiwyg). In fact, the applet works but all the param passed to it seem to be ignored. Looking at the html code of the iframe displaying the content part of the editor, it has the applet param replaced by cke:param. Typically, for example:
<applet archive="CabriJava.jar" code="CabriJava.class" codebase="/moodle2/applets" style="display: block;" height="200" width="300">
<param name="file" value="/moodle2/appletsfiles/cabrijava/test.fig"></param>
<applet archive="CabriJava.jar" code="CabriJava.class" codebase="/moodle2/applets" style="display: block;" height="200" width="300">
<cke:param name="file" value="/moodle2/appletsfiles/cabrijava/test.fig"></cke:param>
The html code produced by the ckeditor is working while all the cke:param are replaced back to param. Since I want to have a wysiwyg behavior of my applet inside the ckeditor, I need to find a way to not have the applet param replaced by cke:param since I think it's the origin of my problem.
I'm currently working with the ckeditor 3.5.2 adapted for moodle2:
Thank you for any help
Sat, 09/10/2011 - 14:40