Advanced Content Filtering is not working in my editor. I set up the following rules in config.js and inline:
... config.allowedContent = 'h4 h5 ul ol li strong em u'; ... var editor = CKEDITOR.replace('elementId',{ allowedContent: 'h4 h5 ul ol li strong em u' }); editor.on( 'instanceReady', function() { console.log( editor.filter.allowedContent ); });
I only get "editor.filter is undefined". I found nothing about "you have to load acf plugin" or something like that.
ACF is a core feature and is
ACF is a core feature and is always available. Perhaps you're running this code on CKEditor 4.0.2 (which is the latest version which you can download from ACF is available from 4.1RC which before the final 4.1 release (which will be done in a week) you can download only from the link available in the 4.1RC blog post or from major@ckeditor-dev repository.
Piotrek (Reinmar) Koszuliński
CKEditor JavaScript Developer
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Oh My God! - thanks.
Oh My God! - thanks.
btw. why it is available in the documentation?
It is available because we
It is available because we wanted to update docs smoothly and the period between RC and final will be just a 3 weeks. I believe that all new entries are marked with "Since 4.1" or other appropriate notice.
I hope that now everything works fine for you :).
Piotrek (Reinmar) Koszuliński
CKEditor JavaScript Developer
CKSource -
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