I had a couple of doubts. Can we add a constant header to the text area of the editor. It probably would be a text that is has some CSS applied to it. if possible then this block should not be part of the text that is retrieved from the editor.
The other thing does the FCK Editor allow to have a header for each toolbar. This will help to identify the toolbar. Also can this be done in a tabbed pane structure.
I had a couple of doubts. Can we add a constant header to the text area of the editor. It probably would be a text that is has some CSS applied to it. if possible then this block should not be part of the text that is retrieved from the editor.
The other thing does the FCK Editor allow to have a header for each toolbar. This will help to identify the toolbar. Also can this be done in a tabbed pane structure.
Re: Adding Headers for TextArea
Maybe with those example you'll figure out how you can achieve that what you are trying to do.
If you want to add some extra text just to modify editor style, simply change the style sheet defined in fckconfig.js (FCKConfig.EditorAreaCSS) instead.
Wiktor Walc
CTO, CKSource - http://cksource.com
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