Problem 1 is:
When the user writes a text using the fckeditor everything is ok with the line breaks.
After sending it to the database (the editor uses a textbox) the text becomes formatted,
not because of any php function that sends it to the db, but because of the editor.
It adds always a additional <br /> after a line break or a <div> </div>.
FCKConfig.FormatSource = false ; FCKConfig.FormatOutput = false ; FCKConfig.UseBROnCarriageReturn = false ; // also tryed true
I cant get it fixed. Everytime a user wants to edit his text it adds line breaks.
e.g. After 4 edits one line break the would be 5 line breaks!
Problem 2 is:
When a user adds an image it is in input field
<input type="image" src="...." />
How to change this so he makes the image in a normal <img src="" /> tag?
Hoping for ideas/solutions.
thanks for reading!