There is someone that can explain to me how create e button that alert() the html contents of a text write in fck editor?
All i want to do is replace the save button with another button that when i click it alert() the html content.
i've open fckeditor with ajax in this way:
var fck = new FCKeditor( 'w' );
fck.BasePath = './fckeditor/';
fck.Value = 'hello word';
document.getElementById('w').innerHTML = fck.CreateHtml();
but if i do this:
<input type="button" name="b" id="b" onclick="alert(document.getElementById('w').value)">
when i click it, it show to me "<p>hello word</p>" even if i change the text inside the editor.
the form that contains the fckeditor is this:
<form action="z.php">
<div name="w" id="w" class="xy"></div>
"z.php" is simply this
echo $_POST['w'];
when i click the save button it works fine so i believe tha the "save" button in some way take the new text and write it in
document.getElementById('w').value and than submit the form.
I want only take the new text and write it in document.getElementById('w').value without submit the form. There is any way?
thanks to all
Re: get the html contents
this is the solution: the html form must be done in this way
<form action="" method="POST" onsubmit="alert(FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('w').GetXHTML());return false;">
<div id="w" name="w" class="xy"></div>
when i click the "save" button it alert me the content html of fckeditor without loading any page.
however thanks all